The baking is all done as is therapy. The blackberry vlaai was more like a cobbler. Really tasty, everyone agreed. Someone even said it tasted gezond (healthy) because it wasn't so sugary a dessert. Nico and I finished it off last night. Of course the cookies were going to be a hit from the moment go. Who doesn't like chocolate chip koekjes?
Got my new brace on Thursday. It fits and it's charming. Works with my old shoes o.k. though they render my old shoes in need of washing.
I did find a new dress and a swimming suit. Even some short pants in dark navy blue. They work well with the brace but no matter, really.
Weather is still cool and autumn scents are in the air, leaves are beginning the carpet the park floor. When autumn arrives, it is such a wonderful moment every year. We biked the dogs twice today.
I've begun packing, of course. My trip begins Tuesday early morning. I've almost got every evening filled. Daytime activities are sparse right now but perhaps that's the way a vacation should be. I always enjoy lounging at Elizabeth's house. I've already had two books delivered to her house. Who needs more to do?
Fingers crossed that you get out Tues morning!!! Don't forget to bring the books to the beach to share--- in my lack of time and money, that hasn't made it to the "done" category of my list. :)