Monday, September 21, 2009

Vacation wrap-up photos

Mom made the good point yesterday that I needed to send her vacation photos already. Overdue is an understatement. What can I say but I have been in vacation mode... as little work as possible including blog activity.

Well, there's lots more photos and updates on the way. Chapter two has begun... but first, photos! Thanks to Shiela and Nissa for the photos (I grabbed a few from their facebook accounts).

And we're off!

A great photo Shiela took of the kids and Adrian while aboard the ferry.

Where we found the energy to laugh after driving all night... dunno.

A great little photo of Mary and Harry. Michael and Anna having early morning breakie. Anna conked out on Mom's lap. Need a napkin for that drool?

The wedding quilt.

An over-the-shoulder look as I prepare to attach the quilt tag.

The final quilt. Another beautiful creation.

Wedding day

Darrin cools off after walking up and down stairs carrying wedding stuff. And we all prepare for the big event, I'm practicing... again!

The scene of the wedding. We sat within the circle of ribbon-donned bamboo. Waiting for the bride to arrive.

A lovely photo of the newly-wedded couple.

Wedding reception. Get a load of that purple dress.

After the cake was cut, I finally got to play. Whew!

After wedding fun - do-wands aloft.

Just beaching

The upper balcony, we split our outdoor time between here and the shore.

Strawberry Shortcake coloring fun with Anna.

Shopping day, I couldn't resist trying on the shark-attack hat. Neither could Michael and Anna!

Donut-with-sprinkles day, woo-hoo!

Back in Atlanta

After we got back to Atlanta, I stayed with Mary and Harry then with the Shinholsters. Ain't they precious?


  1. Yay, photos!!!!! Looking at them just makes me so happy! I love the one of Michael and the guys waiting-- I haven't seen that one before. I'll have to go back and scour through people's albums to find it. I'm so glad you could join us.

  2. It was an awesome trip - made all the more awesomer (that's a word ;) by you being with us - YEAH! It was one we'll all remember for a long time - lots of good memories.
