1 whole chicken + 1 stick butter (or marge, if you're that type)
Boil chicken in large pot until meat is almost falling off the bones, about one hour. Remove chicken from broth, place in pie plate and sit aside.
1.5 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt (and pepper, as you like)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
2 tbsp melted butter (from chicken broth)
Mix all wet ingredients separately. Add to dry ingredients, which will have been mixed in a separate large mixing bowl. Mix well. Take two fists full of dough in hand and roll out flat with floured rolling pin. Slice into 2" wide lengths, and break into slowly boiling broth. When all dough has been made into dumplings, let cook on low and watch closely as you debone chicken. Dumplings do not need to cook long and are basically ready as soon as all chicken has been added.
Thanks to Mama Rosie for this recipe and makin' sharing the love possible in the first place.
thanks girlie :) xox