On second Easter day, Nico brought me to a wonderful, old-time farmer's market, Boeremert Liempde, located in Leimt just outside of S'Hertogenbosch or Den Bosch.
Boere is dialect for boeren or farmer; mert, is dialect for markt or market. 2e Paasdag (2nd Passover Day), as the Dutch call Easter Monday, is obviously no longer an American observance as I'm sure it once was in old New Amsterdam.

Nico eating smoked eel. I did participate in the eating but not the peeling. And, no, he didn't really bite off the head, he's just being a ham as usual.

Erwtensoep (i.e. a common winter pea soup) served in real soup bowls. Obviously, I was impressed with this aspect of the whole festival - a good aspect of the old days, nothing wasted. And a beautiful bundt cake. Just look at that!

Kids having fun on the swing ride. A little gal takin' a ride on a massive work horse (thought you horse lovers would appreciate this) who was taking a break from grinding wheat into meal.

Home-made Jenga and a lovely children's carousel.

Woman spinning wool into thread (they were even giving sheep shearing demonstratie) and man with a music box.

For sale, a pillow case made of men's neckties and, finally, the nice lady who sold me (and perhaps made) the sweater I bought Mom for mother's day.
Truly it is humbling to witness the effortless way in which the Dutch transport us back in time - from clothing to food to fun and games. I can't begin to describe the wonderment and perfection of the atmosphere they've kept alive through these kinds of events, year after year, generation after generation. This was one of the most spectacular displays of its kind that I've ever been part of. Thanks again, Nico.
That looks and sounds amazing! I would have loved it. One of these days we'll make it over there.
ReplyDeleteI liked the looks of the cake...The eel NOT SO MUCH...I don't think I have heard of Second Easter Day...It certainly looks like fun...Thanks again, Nico...
ReplyDeleteLove & Prayers Nancy
That cake reminds me of the Alsatian Kugelhopf, which is very yummy. Love the Jenga on steroids!! Maybe we should get those for our next RFD gathering.... :)
ReplyDeleteI would not be able to resist those milk jugs. And I'd also gladly take a slice of that bundt cake. It looks like a great day out all round!