Friday, April 2, 2010

Meditation * April 2

(From Meditations for Women who do too Much by Anne Wilson Schaef. Thanks to Ann S. for her foresight in giving me this book so many years ago. Today's meditation was just so good - and bang-on - I wanted to share with my blogosphere.)

Living Life Fully
"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin." - Grace Hansen

So often our focus upon death and the possibility of dying is an escape from our real fear... that of living our lives.
We have become comfortable with a way of life that is actually a slow death. Our constant working, busyness, taking care of others, and rushing around relieves our of the responsibility of being fully alive and kills us slowly, and in a socially acceptable way to boot. What more could we ask from an addiction [to doing too much]?
Why are we so afraid of living our lives? What would our lives be like if we decided to show up for them and live them? Why is it so frightening to anticipate feeling our feelings and being present to each moment?

My inner process never gives me more than I can handle. I may not like handling it, and I can handle it. It is when I refuse to handle my life that it backs up on me.

1 comment:

  1. I think my favorite part of this post is: "I may not like handling it, and I can handle it" That is so very true and I think the crucial bit people tend to forget. When we feel the sting of not wanting to do something, it often makes us forget that we CAN do it. When we push through and do that which makes us uncomfortable - great things happen to us spiritually.

    Thanks for sharing this!
