Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A day out

This afternoon, Nico and I are on our way to The Land of Oss to visit my friend Kristal, the great friend I met at the Blixembosch. It's just a friendly visit to catch up on the past few months - I haven't seen her since she visited me in February. Pictures will be taken.

We'll be stopping somewhere along the way to look at hiking boots. Nico has been on a search for weeks now. Have I mentioned that he's going on holiday in France for two weeks? Sounds exotic but I assure you it is just camping, enjoying the outdoors, exploring new territory and trading the cost of his trip for work. He'll be working at the father of a friend of ours who owns a home there.

It will be some time off for me, too. We'll see how I manage with him gone. I'll be in charge of watering his garden and indoor plants but not much else.

Thanks for keeping in touch and I'll let you when the salsa's ready!

1 comment:

  1. Please tell Kristal I said hello. She was very nice when we met her, and I'm glad you have a friend like her over there.

    Where exactly is Nico going (so I can be properly jealous and all that)?
