Sunday, July 17, 2011


Last night for dinner, I made this really good risotto for the first time ever using the recipe at the following link. I wanted something as a side to my green beans and breaded oven fish.

It took 20 minutes from the moment of first stir to the last, but the instructions (see link) were practically flawless. The trick is patience, and once the risotto gets cooking, turn on medium low and keep stirring to keep from sticking (unless you have a non-stick pan). I used a normal tablespoon from the drawer for stirring. It was best at keeping the rice pieces off the sides and in the pot to cook.

This was, bar none, one of the best dishes of anything I've ever made. Of course, I was probably just a bit prideful 'cause it was made from scratch and not a box!

I chose to use bits of mushroom, two cloves garlic and a small onion. Threw a few green beans, just for color, into the broth. The white wine really makes it have the smell of real risotto, of course. At the end, I threw in a few fresh chopped sprigs of mint and oregano. It was good even without the parmesan but I felt obligated to add it, especially since I had it ready in the fridge.

Cheers, Rhonda

Monday, February 28, 2011

Baked Orange Pecan French Toast

This may be the most amazing French Toast you'll ever taste. You will be the belle of the brunch when serving this up to friends or family. For a hungry gang of beachcombers, double this recipe to serve eight instead of four. It's also not a bad idea to actually serve this with some fresh fruit, to take a bite out of the buttery richness. Thanks to Shiela for requesting this recipe, which you can also find at the link above. Enjoy!

4 eggs
2/3 cup premium orange juice
1/3 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
8 1/2-inch-thick slices Italian or French bread (this is key - that skinny white bread will not do, so don't even think about it!)
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Beat together eggs, juice, milk, sugar, vanilla and nutmeg.
Arrange bread in a single layer, top with egg mixture. Refrigerate at least 2 hours.
Melt butter in 10" x 15" x 2" pan, and arrange bread on top.
Bake at 350° for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with pecans, and bake 10 minutes more. (Serves 4)

Orange Syrup
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
1 cup premium orange juice

Combine and cook over low heat. Do NOT boil. Cool for 10 minutes and serve warm.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Birthday recap, etc.

Well, it's REALLY late for a birthday recap but I had some photos to share so why not? These are from The Longhorn steakhouse where I went with Nico, his brother and parents. Fun times - and steaks - were had by all.

A kadotje from Nico's parents, an orchid and a gift certificate from the flower shop where they bought it.

Group photo.

Parental unit photo.

Cute couple eating dessert photo.

On my actual birthday, which many of you may believe was a complete flop, I actually was taken to a wood, where Nico and I took the dogs for a long afternoon walk. It was the first time we'd done that in ages so my poor old legs (and the rest of me) was plum wore out.

I also had a great big package from my folks, which I opened while on the phone having my annual birthday phone call. Some rich maple cookies (from my dad) and a lovely little necklace with circular pendants (dream, wish, believe), among other things, from mom.

The same day, or soon thereafter, I got a surprise package in the mail from some friends in Brazil. What scents! And what a lot of love in one little box - some amazing soap bars and a long, handwritten letter from Gabi, whom I had the immense joy working with just before my stroke in 2008. Thanks so much to you and all the gals, Gabi! That was such a treat (also a good laugh - I love soap ;)

And thanks to all of you women who've sent words of 'hope' for the coming years. The future before me is such a blank slate, - a thing I never imagined for myself - and I guess that, combined with such a milestone birthday, brought me to an edge I hadn't anticipated.

I always thought I was a reasonably patient person but waiting every day for 'something to happen' is not as easy as it may sound. Without realizing it, I had built my life here around my career. Of course, as that old structure has slowly crumbled with nothing to take it's place, it has left an void beyond belief.

I didn't realize just how much I'd had it all planned out, the rest of my life, I mean. I feel a bit like Job, frankly, except I've not lost quite so much. Having faith that a new life will be built, brick by brick, and that the masterpiece will be worth the wait, is what keeps me going. It is coming into focus - meaning "I" am coming into focus. I asked the Universe, "who am I and what am I here to do," and that answer is coming every day as I plod along.

That is the joyous part, I suppose. And my friends Nico and Debby and Hazel and Casper are alongside me, not to mention you who've stuck by me from far away. It's a small troupe but it is strong. I'll have to share more about Debby at another time (she's one of the gals I met in the park. We've been hanging out - thank God I have a friends, and what a friend! She'd make the RFD proud.)

Hugs and hope you enjoyed the post-it.