Painting - a new work in motion
I especially look forward to painting "class" these days. Last week I decided that I was ready to move onto another piece so today I sketched a composite of three photos to create a new story. I'm quite please with the result. The last painting was almost completely from my imagination. This one is the complete opposite. I enjoy both.
Archery - second place rocks!
In archery, I gained second place again while overcoming an additional handicap - wind and trees. The weather was just too nice to shoot indoors. It's amazing what the lines of a gymnasium floor do for the science of straight shooting. Kudos to Robin Hood.
A different shade of bruin
Titia's was back to work Monday and I enjoyed hearing about her first trip to Crete. Boy, was she tan. At least in this part of Holland, you haven't had a vacation unless you come back with a leathery, tanned hide (and, no, I have no idea what skin cancer rates are here).
We also discussed what I'd done during her three weeks holiday, as well as beginning electro stimulation for my foot (something the doctor had suggested). It will have to be conducted by another therapist so she will check into it for me. More about that later.
Diet rite
At my request, I also met with the on site dietitian. I figured while I was getting a new itinerary for fitness, I might as well make sure I'm feeding my body good. The things I miss in my diet are mostly bread/starch and dairy. She will send me something like a food pyramid and I will monitor my diet more closely. Since I've gotten more into food preparation these days, I look forward to the challenge of finding fun and easy ways to introduce these food groups into my daily diet.
And all the rest
I took Hazel for a walk again last night zonder scootmobiel (meaning, only with the power vested in me and my cane). I rested neath the big shade trees in the park (all the benches were already taken by lazy, smoky old men) then we turned back toward home. No incidents or accidents. I only feel a bit more tired than usual this morning.
We've had hot temperatures lately. During this warmer season, it's nice to eat breakfast on the balcony. There seems to be a cool promise in the air today, though, good for cooling off the house without air conditioning. Still loving my parasol especially in the evenings for reading and snacking. And, to keep things cool indoors, I've been delighting in whatever's-in-the-fridge salads. Of course, with a few fresh lettuce leaves and herbs thrown in.
Nico went to the Belgium Ardennes Monday night and returned last night. He also brought back some Looza juice as it is made in Belgium. I preferred this juice over any other when I lived in Atlanta and could get loads of great flavors like peach, banana and pear. Alas, the Belgians must love Americans more than themselves. He could only find one large bottle even after shopping at three stores.
I love the idea of archery in the great outdoors! It's always a bit weird when you change places for an activity, 'cause you get so used to the cues around you. Seems like you still did well and didn't let it psych you out! I might have to look for that Looza juice, 'cause I really liked the pear juice we had at your place. I get bored with the same old stuff.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see that you're getting around better and better for yourself and really taking charge of your life. (not that I expected any less of you...)
Congrats on the second place in archery!
ReplyDeleteI am right there with you on trying to cut out starches and well, not so much dairy ;) but def. wheat, etc. from the diet. I just feel better when I do that. But you'll get my yougurt when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers I say!!!
S :)